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Compassion Speaks Women Artists for Animals

Janell O’Rourke and Jane O’Hara reflect on animals in their artwork, and through the lens of other women in the visual arts, and the influence photographer and animal advocate Jo-Anne McArthur has with her powerful photography for animals.

Carolyn Merino-Mullin, The Animal Museum founder, gallery & exhibit curator, will emcee this event.

Jo-Anne McArthur, the 2019 Compassion Arts’ Artists for Ahimsa honoree, will be presented an award/painting The Last Picture by Jane O'Hara

Cyrus Mejia, visual artist, co-founder of Best Friends Animal Society and Ravens Heart Gallery, will recive the Ahimsa award painting Mejia Magic for 2020, by Jane O'Hara

April 17

Brown University Animal Rights Coalition (BARC)

November 20

Seeing Animals More Deeply Through the Arts -Women Artists’s for Animals Roundtable Discussion